Sunday, October 19, 2008


Hi it’s me Ian and I’m going to do this post.

1. According to the goal, we have 12 days left to draft the script and sketch sets which may be kinda hard.

2. There's a restaurant we're trying to decide a name for, where Kiddo and Bill meet in a few scenes. So far we’re thinking about a name like ‘Jun-Chi’s Golden Palace’. (Jun-Chi is a character from Johnny Thunder who never appears in the movie but we like having his name in here, and it fits too.)

3. The story has been done for a while. Now we're still trying to draft scenes for everything which is also kinda of hard.

4. And even though we don't like Bionicle, we're having too much fun including some of them in the movie. E is bugging me about not letting them along with the two shorter characters and some cameo characters steal the show. We don't have any Bionicle characters, but we're gonna borrow some (hopefully).

That’s the buzz going on and so for now, cha!

- Ian

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